Thursday, October 31, 2019

An Alphabet Allowing Arthur Miller’s The Crucible

 An Alphabet Allowing

Arthur Miller’s

The Crucible

Obvious, but A

Has to be for Abigail, afflicted adulterous Abigail

(bent on seeing Elizabeth hang)

and Ann and her dutiful remaining daughter Ann

and B for Burroughs

and Bishop and Betty and any non-Believer

or bewilderment or bereaved or bereft

and especially the Children,

were they dancing around a cauldron?

Do you want to say this for C:

Cautious, extremely,

 not wanting be


or Charged,

but if you are, please, Cue

in Danforth adept at Delivering stiff necks

from the Dungeons with their Devils

after his judgement at the Trials

where the Eager girls claiming Evil,

giving Evidence to challenge

every decent woman

and man

of Faith not safe

in the village, not from the fanatical

girls, or

the factions forming

against Parris,

like poor Francis

and his wife

and generations and generations

of ancestors of mute

Giles Corey paying

Under the granite


for his silence

or Goody Good

and her youngest Dorcas

who at four

is ferried off in chains

under a Heaven

that is mute too

under a Hale

who uses tools

to quell

the hysteria,

to uncover

suspected haunts,

to send them to hell

for instance, Imagine

an incubus inside

your deepest


judges, judges, judges

Hathorne, Sewell, Danforth

Where is the justice



your Kindred


with unquenchable

lust, lechery, lurking

in the hearts

of men and Marshalls,

of mimicry

of Martha Corey (married

to Giles) who suffers

under the lies

of Proctor’s

 servant girl Mary Warren

who suffered

the noose

the nebulous

stretch of it

beyond the nurturing

of any Nurse

even the arbiter Francis

respected on both sides



of all that's

Broken open and


The faces of

Honest farmer Proctor

(fallen in with Abigail)


The Putnam’s Thomas (property

thief )

And Anne bereaved

Of their seven precious dead

And Parris who cares more

For his precious pulpit

and reputation


questioning and querying

and causing constant


and poor honest

reputable reverends excepting


His parish resisting his claim

to own the deed

to the Meetinghouse

his six pounds worth

of rationed wood

Sixteen Ninety Two:

Salem, Saints or Satan’s Salem

Skimming the songs

And spells

Of the slave

Tituba who knew

Her girls were untrustworthy

As soon as they

Tattled and ratted

On her for their

Silly titillating game 

Their deadly

Ululating: witches! Witches!


We are victorious

No longer victims

Of Evil or Envy

Against the WITCHES!

Great God

We hawk

 the xenophobic


Of the jealous



Thursday, September 5, 2019

abandoned and lovely, the paper shells

                                                 abandoned and lovely, the paper shells

come into winter, when the last
of the wasps have gone
beyond us, when the crab-apples
surrounding their home have
wizened in their once prized
tiny pied bodies, when

the picker elbowing through un-
knowingly and then abruptly
knowing, when mortality was
suddenly a buzzing song she didn’t
rehearse but knew none-the-less,
I’ll walk under the subtle gray

paper waves and make my way into
and through months of redeeming
quiet, atoning the three seasons
of seeking food from the beasts who
have now given me over to the cold
quiet or the violence or the ice

and I’ll see this suspension
in the naked branches, a limp
stupa.  I’ll wonder if I will be
too busy to imagine the living
that went on inside of it, before
it was a barren mausoleum, and

remember the wasps, content
in the tree with everything they needed
right outside their door.  Imagine
that if wasps made honey!
and consider the layer after layer
of the subtle tones and aromatic notes:

the early blossom and the cautious
but driven pollinators, the dog
up and ready before the summer moon
had set or risen, depending, a new
baby boy in the house beyond, navigating
life outside his nine months of quiet, 

the inconsistent rooster whose clock
is not our own, and the mouth
that kisses the wrist with lips
and tongue and teeth to free the stinger
because sweet Jesus we dared
too close.

*title inspired by blanche milligan